What is color printing?

November 04, 2017

Color printing:
Color printing or color printing is the reproduction of an image or text in color (as opposed to simpler black and white or monochrome printing). Any natural scene or color photograph can be optically and physiologically dissected into three primary colors, red, green and blue, roughly equal amounts of which give rise to the perception of white, and different proportions of which give rise to the visual sensations of all other colors. The additive combination of any two primary colors in roughly equal proportion gives rise to the perception of a secondary color. For example, red and green yields yellow, red and blue yields magenta (a purple hue), and green and blue yield cyan (a turquoise hue). Only yellow is counter-intuitive. Yellow, cyan, and magenta are merely the "basic" secondary colors: unequal mixtures of the primaries give rise to the perception of many other colors all of which may be considered "tertiary." know more about modern technique color printing you can go google or Wikipedia 

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